All content is copyrighted by CamillaMartinez ©2020

Summer Solitude, 2020
August 18th, 2020.
In March of 2020, I began my personal quarantine and noticed some very important things. Number one, I was now spending more time with myself than I had probably ever done. Number two, this time alone was allowing for things to rise up in me. Things I’d buried. Things I’d placed on a shelf to deal with later. With the arrival of the Coronavirus and the demand to stay home came an equally urgent demand to spend time with my own personal demons. To say hello. To invite them in. Sip some tea. Have a good long chat.
It is with this same spirit that I sat down this summer with each of the people you see below. Each shoot began with a conversation. Each shoot was a simple continuation of that conversation. Every person has their own story, their own way of interacting with their Self as they navigate through these defining times.
I asked the following:
"Think about time you’ve spent in isolation or solitude during quarantine. Think about the events of injustice that the world is facing now (and always). What have you learned about yourself amidst the backdrop of these events? What rises up in YOUR body and mind that calls for your attention?"
Together, we Honored their answers and explored the following: